Jackie Blue

I was at Shea last night for the first time this year thanks to my co-writer, and now co-star in a potential future episode of Mets Weekly. We were joined by two other swell guys, and we had a great time, the Mets looked resplendent, especially with the blue hats, matching 42 jerseys (anyone other than me remember Chuck Taylor?) and no names on the back. Sweet.

Worth noting was that the scoreboard identified the players by their assigned numbers but the Shea PA announcer introduced them all as No. 42. I’ll address how to integrate this event into the database when I’ve had some time to think about it.

I missed the announcement pre-game so I was delighted to see Duaner Sanchez trot in from the bullpen for the the 9th inning. The quietly effective Carlos Muniz was shipped back to the minors to make room. Just an all-around terrific night.

6 p.m. Tonight, we’re opening for Gary Carter at Bookends in Ridewood, N.J. Thursday at 7:30, I’ll discuss the Mets and baseball with Metsgrrl and Spike Vrusho (author of Benchclearing) atWord Books in Greenpoint (beer and snacks to be served)!

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