Bazooka Joe and the 800th Met

Unless something really unexpected happens, it appears Moises Alou 18 will become the 800th Met when the season begins a week from today.

Other first-time Mets would appear to be Damion Easley (No. 2), David Newhan (17), Aaron Sele (32), Scott Schoeneweis (60), Chan Ho Park (61) and “Bazooka” Joe Smith, who is, for all we know, still going around in the No. 70 jersey they assign to longshot bullpen wannabees. I made up that “Bazooka” nickname by the way, sort of. Remember Joe Smith, the basketball player? When he was a student at Maryland the school paper held a nickname contest to give him more pizzazz where ‘Bazooka’ was among the choices. I don’t think it ever stuck with that Joe Smith. We can’t let it go this time.

So what number does Bazooka Joe Smith get?

I don’t even have to look it up to tell you this is the first season the Mets began a year with two guys wearing numbers in the 60s.

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One comment

  1. Jon Springer says:

    Submitted by Jon Springer on Mon, 01/21/2008 – 12:25pm.
    The 2007 Mets Media Guide lists only 797 all-time Mets through 2006, not the actual 797. As was the case last year, the missing Mets are pitcher Les Rohr (the only Mets born in England) and outfielder Darren Bragg. The same two were missing from last year’s All-Time Roster in the 2006 Media Guide.

    I notified them of the error, but it was not corrected.

    Comment by Harvey Poris :: April 2, 2007 @ 12:11 pm | Edit This
    Oops- I met actual 799

    Comment by Harvey Poris :: April 2, 2007 @ 12:13 pm | Edit This
    Harvey, that’s amazin’. You get the impression sometimes that the interns are running the whole show at Shea.

    Comment by admin :: April 2, 2007 @ 7:26 pm | Edit This
    […] post below regarding Moises Alou’s appearance as the 800th Met of all time drew an interesting response from Harvey Polis, who writes: The 2007 Mets Media Guide lists only 797 all-time Mets through 2006, […]

    Pingback by Mets by the Numbers » Meet the Missing Mets: Les Rohr :: April 2, 2007 @ 8:42 pm | Edit This
    […] hard to be sure why the Mets can’t remember ever having Darren Bragg. Could be, Bragg’s just one of those guys you think of playing for another team. I associate […]

    Pingback by Mets by the Numbers » And Now a Word About Darren Bragg :: April 3, 2007 @ 9:04 pm | Edit This

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