Viva Los Scrubeenies

Is it magic? Is it sustainable? Is it just that the Braves are more screwed up than us right now?

I’m not ready to buy into any explanation of how the Mets continue to defy the odds and lead the division with this group, whose underperforming stars have been obscured by overperforming reserves for weeks now. You could be positive and say they simply possess that winning gene but let’s wait till we’re at least 10 games above .500 before we entertain that.

Even guys like Khalil Lee, whose swings reveal inches of space between bat and ball, are managing to contribute with their gloves. Johneswhy Fargas in the meantime is already the club’s top cheerleader and has obliterated every record for guys who wear No. 81.

It would seem likely that Lee, who needs more work on contact, would be the guy to go back down if and when the newly acquired Cameron Maybin arrives. This guy was once a top draft pick (went ahead of Mike Pelfrey that year) and hopefully invested some of that bonus money in luggage: The Mets will be his 10th organization and represent his 13th move among franchises: He’s a three-time Detroit Tiger and two-time Marlin, and also toiled for the Padres, the Braves, the Angels, the Astros, the Mariners, the Yankees and the Cubs.

No. 15 is still available (as is 35, now that Trevor Hildenberger was waivered-up by the Giants) so let’s expect 15.

Kevin Pillar, who said all the right things following his frightening beaning, was replaced on the roster by infielder Wilfredo Tovar who last appeared for the Mets wearing No. 70 in 2014. He’s wearing No. 72 this time around.

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  1. Matt B says:

    Wayne Randazzo just confirmed Jon’s theory that Gsellman wore #65 because it looks like a GS, first letters of his name.

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