Young Men With A Future

Congrats to freshly picked Mets Justin Dunn, Anthony Kay and Peter Alonso, the club’s top three selections in the MLB amateur draft. Photographic evidence from their colleges show them wearing 19, 18 and 20, respectively. The draft continues this afternoon.

55Speaking of new arrivals, Kelly Johnson is expected to join the club in Milwaukee today, but it’s still unclear whose spot he takes on the roster. If it’s Ty Kelly, Johnson could retain the No. 55 he wore in his last go-round with the Mets but it may well be Matt Reynolds, in which case either Kelly, or Kelly, will wind up with their second Mets uni assignment.

64Including coaches and all members of the 40-man roster, available jerseys at the moment include 1, 9, 18, 46, 49, 54, 56, 58, 60, 61 and now 64 — since young pitcher Akeel Morris was sacrificed to Atlanta in the Johnson trade. You might recall Morris was catapulted from Single A to the Mets last summer and got bashed by the Blue Jays in his only appearance.

That incident and the subsequent trade granted Morris entry to an exclusive club of Met pitchers whose career club ERAs exceed their uniform number:

Thanks to my friends at the Ultimate Mets Database and Crane Pool for the background on that stat.

Update: Looks like Ty got whacked and lost his uni number.

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  1. James O'Hare says:

    What is the teams position regarding #’s 8 and 17. Also, who is wearing #19

  2. Matt B says:

    They haven’t given out 8 since Carter was inducted into the Hall, and they have not given out 17 since Fernando Tatis. They seem to be unofficially retired, like 24 for Mays. My feeling is that if they are not going to be given out, just retire them and make an event of it. 19 belongs to Monell, but I don’t think they would hesitate in assigning it to someone else.

  3. Matt B says:

    Ty Kelly down, Kelly Johnson reclaims #55.

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