Glad Tidings from New York

20Neil Walker on Tuesday crashed the Mets’ annual holiday party at Citi Field, showing off what appears to be his new uni number, 20. Walker would be the first second baseman to wear 20 since 2000 Mets legend Kurt Abbott. Uh, yeah. Anthony Recker wore 20 last but as you may have heard the handsome backup catcher signed a deal with the Indians following the season.

Walker by the way said he wore 20 to honor his dad, Tom Walker, who as you can see here wore the same for the Montreal Expos. Neil reached the big leagues with the Pirates only to learn 20 had been retired for Pie Traynor.

13Later on Tuesday, the Mets and erstwhile lefty stopper Jerry Blevins agreed on a new deal for 2016. Blevins you may recall arrived at the eve of the ’15 season and did an all-around super job getting the Bryce Harpers and Freddie Freemans of the league out before fracturing an arm the same day that Travis d’Arnaud went down with an injury. Only Blevins never made it back to the team by suspiciously re-breaking the same arm shortly before his expected return.

If that’s not enough reason by itself to surrendered No. 13 the rule requiring all Venezuelan shortstops wear No. 13 trumped it.

What will Blevins return in? Only a guess but 15 is available now that Bob Geren is going.

43In other news the Mets have invited Buddy Carlyle to go after a third assignment with the team and possibly, a third uni number. He’s been 44 then 43 so far.


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  1. Richard says:

    I wonder what new Mets bench coach Dick Scott will wear. He wore #3 for Oakland in the only three games he ever appeared in 1989.

    Obviously, Granderson wears #3. My guess is that he will wear a number in the 50’s, maybe #53 if he likes the #3 and wants it as a digit on his back. Of course, Dave Racaniello would have to go back to #54, which is possible with Alex Torres gone. Otherwise, I think he just gets #51.

  2. Blevins had enough bad luck for 13 #13s last year after tantalizing us all with his lefty perfection. #43 has had a good run of late and maybe he can add to it. Good job giving #13 to Cabrera. Good luck learning to spell Asdrubel!(?)

  3. Matt B says:

    Blevins said on SNY that he may go with #39 because it is a multiple of 13. Parnell’s old number….

  4. Tomswid says:

    Now that Monnell has been DFA’d. maybe Blevins would consider 19.

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