Tag Archive for Steve Simpson

All About Steve Simpson

You guys are great. Only hours after the below inquiry on Steve Simpson, the pitcher received from San Diego in the 1973 Jim McAndrew trade and who may have been called up to the big-league roster in 1974, I’d received all kinds of info about him.

To the pertinent question of whether he should be listed among 1974 Mets players, the answer is no. As you might see on the accompanying graphic — what passed for the “official” transaction record as kept by the Baseball Hall of Fame — Simpson’s 1974 recall by the Mets (highlighted in yellow) is designated “not to rep” meaning “not to report” or “NTR.” A million thanks to Jason for the record — he reports he’s also looking to get his hands on the official record for Greg Harts, the outfielder recalled along Simpson that day. Click the image for a larger look. Those are exactly the kinds of records I keep: Scribbled on paper!

Anyhow, as Jason explains, all players on the 40-man roster are recalled automatically when rosters expand but not all of them necessarily report to the team: That’s the technical distinction that led to Charlie’s initial question.

Others of you were quick to point out addtional facts. Although he’d been assigned a number — the same 43 worn by McAndrew in fact — he wasn’t long for the Mets, or anyone else. The New York Times reports Simpson retired on the first day of training camp in 1975. And the Sporting News says he died of a heart attack at age 41 in 1989.

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He Knows His Place

85An interesting note from our nation’s capital: When the Nationals signed Adam Dunn, they gave him his customary uni No. 44. To make room, selfless ex-Met Lastings Milledge has volunteered to switch … to No. 85. It’s his birth year. Elsewhere in X-Met land, Aaron Heilman is wearing No. 47 with the Cubs and Joe Smith is  38 in Cleveland. Endy Chavez remains in No. 10 in Seattle and Scott Schoeneweis is still wearing No. 60, only in Arizona.I’d update you on Damian Easley but the poor guy hasn’t found work yet. AndMatt Wise has retired.

* * *

Elsewhere, reader Charlie let me in on the fact that the revamped database had neglected to include the small handful of Mets who appeared on the roster but not in a game (Jerry Moses,Mac Suzuki, et al) but they’re baked in there now. He also threw out a name I hadn’t known was a Met before, Steve Simpson who according to Charlie appeared on the September active roster with the 1974 Mets but didn’t appear in a game. Can anyone out there confirm this or offer more info?

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