Tag Archive for Eli Marrero

Every Mets Position Player Ever Who Wore 32 Before Daniel Vogelbach

1.Kevin Mitchell, 1984

2. Mark Carreon, 1987-89

3. Bill Pecota, 1992

4. Eli Marrero, 2016

Oddly, I remember only two of them: Carreon (whom I liked-who didn’t?) and Marrero (who I remember, because he was all we had to show for all the energy wasted in the entire Kaz Matsui Saga). Mitchell was only that September, and me, I’d just moved away from radio range, had no TV, the internet didn’t exist, and there were 18-22 year-old girls everywhere I looked: I had just started college. And Pecota. Still out of the local TV market, plus a) sour on Jeff Torborg’s Mets before it was cool and so, b) more of a Mets fan with a paper bag on my head then.

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86Generally, we can take or leave Old-Timers Days, but if you didn’t wipe your eyes tonight you’re either too young to remember or at the wrong address.

Throwback Night features the Met debut of lefty pitcher Dave Williams, the former Red we traded for in May, wearing the racing stripes and No. 32. Williams, it should be noted, is the third guy to wear No. 32 this year alone for the Mets. Rotten emergency starter Jeremi Gonzalez had it back in May and recently sacked pinch-hitter Eli Marerro took over in June.

In case you’re wondering, that’s not a record, though it ties for second: In 2004, the Mets trotted outfour different stiffs in No. 6 (Ricky Gutierrez, Gerald Williams, Tom Wilson and Jeff Keppinger). We’re impressed if you can even recall Tom Wilson’s Met career.

We needn’t even have to say it, but Heath Bell 19 was optioned to Norfolk to make room for Williams.

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The sad Met saga of Kaz Matsui has come to an end. The Mets traded the dislocated second baseman, along with a sack of cash, yesterday to the Colorado Rockies for veteran utilityman Eli Marerro, thus ending one of the more regrettable and confounding stories in recent Met history. Acquired with great fanfare in the 2003-04 offseason, Kaz was presented with the No. 25 jersey and proclaimed “I love New York,” but the city — and his team — didn’t much love him back. An incredibly poor decision in ’04 to use him at shortstop did no favors for him, the Mets or displaced teammate Jose Reyes, and managed to turn the fans, particularly the mook contingent at Shea, against him. Since then he seemed to have frustrated his manager with frequent injuries and subpar hitting, and thoughout appeared unable to overcome a massive cultural and communication gap, yet remained respectful and sportsmanlike until the end and that — along with his opening-day homers — is something we’ll always admire about him. And while we take no pleasure in seeing him go, his most recent struggles, and Jose Valentin’s emphatic claiming of the second base duties, left him a man without a second country and called out for the kind of versatile backupityness that Marerro can provide. Though the Rockies have relagated Kaz to their AAA team in Colorado Springs, we hope he kicks all kinds of butt down there and salvages what he can of a stay in the states more difficult than anyone might have imagined.

The well-traveled Marrero is scheduled to arrive for this evening’s game. He has worn Nos. 16, 26 and 11 in previous stops — all taken here. Update: He appeared Sunday June 11 in 32,most recently cashiered by Jeremi Gonzalez (remember him?)

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