Four Play

Late in tonight’s satisfying blowout over the wretched St. Louis Cardinals, Argenis Reyes made his Mets debut wearing the No. 4 jersey most recently belonging to chubby backup catcher Robinson Cancel. Reyes, a singles-hitting middle infielder and a veteran of the Cleveland farm system, had a nice first spring training with the Mets and gets an opportunity while Luis Castillo rests up a quad or something on the disabled list.

Arriving along with Reyes was outfielder Chris Aguila, swapped in for reliever Carlos Muniz, still smarting from Troy Glaus’ game-ending home run Wednesday night.

Aguila, interestingly, is back in the same No. 29 jersey he wore in his brief appearance last month; the Mets had since issued 29 to Andy Phillips, whom they claimed on waivers from Cincinnati a week ago, designated for assignment on Monday, and, we learned today, subsequently lost back to the Reds on a waiver claim.

So, after a 2-2 split in the four-gamer in St. Louis, the Mets arrive in Brotherly Lovetown Friday to for more fourplay: This may (or may not) say something about where the team is headed.

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