
Props to sharp-eyed Met fan Chris who not only pointed out Friday night that Met reliever Willie Collazo made his Shea Stadium debut in a jersey that spelled his name incorrectly, but thought to take the accompanying photo of it. The goof — one too many Z’s and one too few L’s — appeared on the snow-white jersey Friday.

No sooner had we inquired as to whether Collazo appeared in a misspelled road jersey in his debut Wednesday in Cincinnati than Lundy came through with the other photo illustrating he hadn’t. How did Collazo turn from Puerto Rican to Italian? We’ll try to investigate. So thanks again to Chris and Lundy, to whom we all owe a cold frosty Rheingold. You will often find those guys at the Crane Pool.

Other than featuring Collazo’s misspelled jersey — and his second consecutive scoreless relief outing — tonight’s convincing victory over Houston featured the return of rookie outfielder Carlos Gomez 27. The Mets have also reactivated Sandy Alomar Jr., who has continued to dress in No. 19.

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One comment

  1. Jon Springer says:

    Another Link…

    Trackback by The Stony Brook Admissions Blog :: September 7, 2007 @ 8:45 pm
    Um, August has come and gone and still no new website…does this mean August of 2008?


    Comment by fanof41 :: September 9, 2007 @ 7:27 pm
    At least!

    Comment by admin :: September 10, 2007 @ 11:01 am
    Y’know, I did a double-, triple-, even quadruple-take Friday night and wondered why “Colazzo” had that Latin pronunciation a couple of days earlier. Thanks for helping clear that up.

    That’s even better than the Tom Wilson/Jose Parra wrong-uniform mixup of 2004.

    Comment by G-Fafif :: September 10, 2007 @ 11:03 am

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