Anderson, Beltran, Newhan and McKnight

Forgive me but it was hard to notice until last night that Carlos Beltran 15 was back. He was of course; he returned from the disabled list on Friday, while Marlon Anderson 23 hit the bereavement list. Last night, Anderson was back and David Newhan 17 was again sent to the minors top make room.

Mike DiFelice by now is getting all the playing time you’d think he wouldn’t and so firmly established as the 22nd official member of the Sons of Jeff McKnight, or the three-number club:


Jeff McKnight 5, 7, 15, 17, 18

Kevin Collins 1, 10, 16, 19

Ed Lynch 34, 35, 36, 59

Darrel Sutherland 43, 45, 47

Cleon Jones 34, 12, 21

John Stephenson 12, 19, 49

Jim Hickman 6, 9, 27

Mike Jorgensen 10, 16, 22 (thanks, Chris)

Hank Webb 22, 29, 30

Hubie Brooks 62, 39, 7

Clint Hurdle 7, 13, 33

Chuck Carr 1, 7, 21

Kevin Elster 2, 15, 21

Charlie O’Brien 5, 22, 33

Ron Darling 12, 15, 44

Jason Phillips 7, 23, 26

David Cone 16, 17, 44

Jae Seo 40, 38, 26

Roger Craig 13, 36, 38

Lee Mazzilli 12, 16, 13

Pedro Feliciano 55, 39, 25

Mike DiFelice 33, 6, 9

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One comment

  1. Jon Springer says:

    Mike Jorgensen: 10, 16, 22

    Does HoJo count, since he wore 20 and 44 as a player and now 52 as a coach?

    Comment by Chris :: August 15, 2007 @ 3:59 pm
    Thanks for the reminder on Jorgensen. Nah, coaches don’t count.

    Comment by admin :: August 16, 2007 @ 5:42 am
    The funny thing about McKnight is that, among the five numbers shown, I’d also expect that he wore 21 as well.

    Comment by Edgy DC :: August 20, 2007 @ 7:30 pm
    I don’t remember Roger Craig wearing #36. What year?

    Comment by Ralph Zig Tyko :: October 10, 2007 @ 11:02 am
    Ralph — Craig in 1963 “borrowed” teammate Tracy Stallard’s No. 36 jersey for one game. This was in July, before trying the No. 13 jersey. Craig lost that game (I don’t have the date handy but found a mention of it in newspapers).

    Comment by admin :: October 11, 2007 @ 7:09 am

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