Wicked Gravity

I forgot how tiresome it is to be cycling in 3 new guys every week onto the roster, only to see them disappear in a few days. This is life on the butt-end of the Mets bullpen, especially in this era of 5-inning starts.

This week as you know we welcomed in Julio Teheran, who gave us what little he had and was summarily cashiered for Dedniel Nunez, who pitched pretty well but still found himself on a plane back to Syracuse so that Tyler Jay can get a shot, until he goes a few innings or we need a starter again. Cole Sulser is so far defying gravity.

I seriously never of Tyler Jay before a hour ago. I looked it up to discover he was once a 1st round pick, but more recently spotted slinging in independent ball. He’ll be the guy in the 74 jersey–only the second since Chris Mazza and those socks. Nunez wore 72. Teheran, who’s been DFA’ed, may or may not return in No. 49.

We’re rained out in Atlanta tonight. I like how we played in this series so far. Not scared. Maybe this team has a comeback bug.


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  1. Gene F says:

    Christian Scott is on the way. He is wearing 32 in Syracuse. Max Kranick is listed in 32 on the official 40 man roster, but he is wearing 48 in Syracuse.

  2. Gene F says:

    Clubhouse video shows that Scott will be in 45.

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