Bauerless, Not Powerless

It’s easy to make an argument the Mets dodged a bullet this week when the arrogant free agent pitcher Trevor Bauer left them at the altar and agreed instead to a deal with the Dodgers that’d make him the best-paid player in the game and grants him multiple opt-outs should he want to try to pull this clown show again either of the next two years.

And they did given all that baggage but I’d certainly like to see another Cy Young winner on the staff, given what they were evidently willing to part with and the abuse they were willing to withstand should they have added yet another guy without the common sense to behave himself on the Internet, even if it comes off a giant douchy act.

Where to from here? There’s free agent Jake Odorizzi out there still, a 15-game winner in 2019 who missed most of last season after taking a line drive off the No. 12 on the front of his Twins jersey. There’s money in the bank were the Mets to lock in guys like Conforto and Lindor, or buy a free agent center fielder, and flexibility were they to take advantage of the Wrigleyville’s teardown and acquire Kris Bryant in a trade. It’s not like the Cardinals’ addition of Arenado is going to increase their chances this time.

I’m expecting something, is what I’m saying.

Catching up on recent moves that didn’t accompany all that much hype the Mets traded with Miami for pitcher Jordan Yamamoto, a young righty starter with terrible big-league numbers but the kind of curveball spin rate that gets the geeks excited. Yamamoto is from Hawaii and naturally wears No. 50 in the tradition of Sid Fernandez and Benny Agbayani. Adding Yamamoto to the 40-man roster also cleared the Mets of a seeming controversy with infielder Robel Garcia who was issued a placeholder 00, waived and subsequently claimed by the Angels.

Miguel Castro, the kind of down-on-his-luck would-be relief ace the Mets always seem to scoop up in the hopes he’ll improve next year (see AJ Ramos) wore No. 50 last year. He’s got that Brody stink and maybe he goes in my fantasy Kris Bryant trade which is built around the $16 million the Cubs save by taking JD Davis, and a friend suggests, taking a real prospect for Kyle Hendricks. They can even have Jordan Yamamoto in that case. Bryant by the way wears No. 17 with the Cubs and will test the quiet mothballing of those figures here should he arrive.

I dunno what to say about another black eye for the organization re: Mickey but in retrospect I was far too kind to a guy who hardly ever won a game with X’s and O’s, fished with Donald Trump Jr., batted the Mets out of order, blew up at reporters, couldn’t say “I’m sorry,” and finally, was a creep.


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  1. Anonymous says:

    Can you stop with the politics already? We come to this website for fun. Enough already!

    • Jon Springer says:

      It doesn’t really feel like I’ve said a whole lot about politics here but I’ll keep your comments in mind. Thanks for trying to have fun!

      • Anonymous says:

        I really appreciate the response and your consideration. I’m sure I’m not the only one. If you’d like, I can point out all the references.

  2. 9th string catcher says:

    You know when you like a guy and you’re crestfallen to find out he’s a cretin? This is not that case. Mickey was a horrible hire from the first embarrassing press conference to the last limp team performance. If I heard the words “we keep grinding it out” one more time, my shoe was going to be a permanent part of the TV.

    • Jon Springer says:

      Yeah like I said I misread him from the beginning, but almost purposefully so since I wanted him to fit into my idea of the man I wanted him to be. Looking back I found his opening press conference where he professed he’d win by “loving” his players kinda odd, and it seemed over time his personal interactions grew worse at a rate faster than his questionable skippering skills improved, but almost seemed like he was finally getting that part there at the end. I’d apparently also misread the backroom politics, assuming Mickey was a Sandy Guy when he was actually a Jeff Guy. That probably explains the haste at which they’d arrived at his appointment. But I stand by my contention that Mickey was in fact NEVER a Fred Guy, and it seems that dysfunction where Fred followed by moving to cripple Alderson was actually his way of getting of getting even with Jeff, because we all know Fred was a big Terry Guy. It was Fred vs Jeff!

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