Playing Bogar

The Mets appear to be narrowing the list of managerial candidates to succeed Mickey Callaway, with second interviews reportedly granted to Joe Girardi, Carlos Beltran, Eduardo Perez, Luis Rojas and Tim Bogar.

While the buzz until very recently would have Girardi as the favorite, reports indicate he may even have stronger internal support in Philadelphia, where the ex-Yankee and Marlin skipper has also interviewed.

Count me among those suspicious of Beltran, whom I liked enough as a player but whose history with the club for all its success wasn’t terrific, particularly in the realm of communication, and despite how seemingly easy it’s been for reporters to find folks to say all the right things about him. The other argument I’ve heard for Beltran is this idea that he’s the only man alive who could possibly get Yoenis Cespedes to contribute. I simply don’t believe that on its face.

Speaking of fanciful notions there are perspective-challenged fans out there  threatening mutiny if Girardi doesn’t come aboard; I’m sure the fact he’s been hired twice and interviewed by two clubs this time around speaks for his general acceptability for the role but it’s never as though there’s only one possibility. If the Phillies want him so bad, make him rich.

I don’t have much of an opinion of Eduardo Perez as a guy or a broadcaster, and all I can say about Luis Rojas is that the organization thinks highly of him, given how frequently he’s appeared in the dugout wearing weird numbers over the years.

And that brings us to Tim Bogar.

Tim Bogar? Why not?

He’ll be coming to the organization with the pixie dust of the Houston Washington juggernaut. His “experience” managing a big-league club is limited to 22 games– he was interim skipper for the 2014 Rangers following the firing of Ron Washington in 2014 and Texas went 14-8 under him (.636 winning percentage-a 103-win pace!!), but he’s a three-time minor league manager of the year and is well-thought of enough to have been in the employ as coach of good big-league teams like the Astros and Red Sox. Bogar also has front-office experience, serving his ex-Met teammate Jerry DiPoto when DiPoto GM’ed the Angels.

Though DiPoto’s reign in Anaheim ended amid friction with manager Mike Scioscia, DiPoto reappeared in Seattle and sent for Bogar who was named bench coach to Scott Servias. So one could argue Bogar has experience helping Robinson Cano have a productive year.

Finally, Bogar for all his seeming lack of sex appeal, is a Met–drafted by the club in 1987, and eventually making it to New York as a righthanded hitting, noodle-bat utility player/”emergency catcher” who lasted the entire Dallas Green era and the beginnings of the Bobby Valentine one, before being traded during spring training in 1997. (Interesting to note that as a coach in Boston, Bogar was said to have not gotten along with Valentine there either). Bogar you may remember wore No. 23 as a Met but surrendered that jersey in 1996 when the club acquired Bernard Gilkey and wore 11 that year.

But even Bogar’s trade–to Houston for Luis Lopez–paid ongoing dividends for the club as that deal was the seed in a still-flourishing trade tree that yielded Noah Syndergaard. Let’s follow it:

In 1997 Bogar was traded to Houston for Luis Lopez, who was traded in 2000 to Milwaukee for Bill Pulsipher, who was traded to Arizona later that year for Lenny Harris, who was swapped in 2001 to Milwaukee for Jeromy Burnitz, whose 2003 trade to Los Angeles yielded Victor Diaz, who in 2006 was traded for catcher Mike Nickeas. Nickeas remarkably lasted long enough in the organization to make the Mets in 2010 and was included in the earthshattering R.A. Dickey trade to Toronto in 2012, a deal yielding Travis d’Arnaud (whose branch died upon his release this year) and Noah Syndergaard.

Tim Bogar for manager!

Title inspiration by the magnificent skinny-tie new waving power poppers Any Trouble (1980):

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  1. The Franchise says:

    I’m not among those who are furious the Mets did not hire Girardi.
    He’s a good manager, but he’s not the only person capable of managing the Mets.
    And no candidate is a sure thing.
    Hiring an unproven manager is riskier, but if you’re not at least open to new possibilities you’re simply wallowing in the same ol’ names every time.

    Beltran scares me, though. I thought he was grossly underrated as a player for the Mets. Let me know the next time they have a center fielder who hits 40-plus HRs and wins a Gold Glove.
    But he never wanted to sign with the Mets in the first place. He was trying to join the Yankees.
    And it was never a warm and fuzzy relationship with him, management and the fans.
    (I’m over the age of 11 so I never held the Wainwright strikeout against him, extremely disappointing though it was.)

    I’m concerned that when he first interviewed for managerial jobs in 2017 he was unprepared to answer basic questions, such as about his spring training plans.
    I wonder about him having to deal with the media before and after every game. I never got the idea he cared for that at all.

    He took himself out of the running for other jobs to demonstrate he was all-in on the Mets’ vacancy.
    I believe he still has a restaurant the city.
    So, is he interested in being an MLB manager, or being a manager only in NYC so he can stay hands-on involved in his business interest?

    But whether it’s Shelton, Bogar, Beltran, Howe or whoever else, we won’t have any idea for quite a while if it was the right hire. I won’t pretend I know otherwise.
    So I’ll keep an open mind (about all of the candidates, even Beltran) and hope for the best.

  2. Alan says:

    Shouldn’t Callaway be listed as a #26 from 9/24-9/30.

  3. Matt B says:

    I know we all don’t care much about coaches’ numbers, but my guess would be that Collins takes back #10 from Disarcina and Disarcina takes #11, which he wore for a time as a player. And I can’t believe Collins is back.

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