Is This Scott Holman?

Regarding the discussion below, is the guy on the far left Scott Holman? That jacket could say “28.” The capture is from an 86 Mets vid I found here.

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  1. Matt B says:

    Jed Lowrie…I assume he won’t get mothballed #8.

  2. Kermit says:

    Relatedly, I’ve always wondered who the guy best to Teufel at 2:09 of the Let’s go Mets go video is.

  3. Kermit the Forg says:

    Relatedly, I’ve always wondered who is singing next to Teufel at 2:09 in the Let’s Go Mets Go video.

  4. Matt B says:

    Looks like John Gibbons

  5. Gordon says:

    Looks like Kevin Elster to me

    • Kermit says:

      Hmmm, possibly, but neither Elster or Gibbons were up with the big club until August of ’86. Maybe one of them were in town rehabbing or the like, as we’re speculating about Holman. It’s a real enigma.

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