68 Guns

68Hi, I don’t want to interfere with the pennant race so I’ll be quick here and acknowledge the return of Dario Alvarez to the big club. Alvarez maintains the same No. 68 he wore last time around and the distinction of being the only man ever to wear that number for the Mets (he’s also the only Dario, and the only Alvarez, in club history. What a trailblazer!). Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Lucas Duda whom I suspect must have been hurting all year and for all I know may have contracted spinal stenosis while sharing a weight-lifting bench with David Wright.

22Also this weekend came word the Mets had dealt for our old friend Eric Young Jr., presumably in anticipation of requiring a Dave Roberts kinda stolen base sometime in September or October. You figure that’ll invite a controversy come September when Kevin Plawecki presumably returns, he inherited Young’s old No. 22 once EYJ was nontendered last season by the Mets.

We hope some additional visibility into this explosive issue in the days to come but would suggest not for the first time this season that the sheer volume of issued jerseys out there increases the likelihood a guy like Young, should he get the call, is looking at the possibility of wearing 0 — or 71.





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  1. Gordon says:

    I say 43 for EY. Actually makes sense if you stare at it for awhile in the mirror.

  2. Chris Sullivan says:

    I could see EYJr in #1 if he gets called up and Darrell Ceciliani doesn’t.

  3. Matt B says:

    I agree with Chris on this one……EY gets #1 and Ceciliani doesn’t return this season. EY wore #1 in Colorado, as well.

  4. Matt B says:

    Mets just got Addison Reed from D-Backs. I assume he will wear the same #43 he did with Arizona, as Carlisle is done for the year.

  5. Richard says:

    If the Mets took #2 from Dilson Herrera, then I’m sure they would take #1 from Ceciliani to give to EYJ.

    I also agree that Reed will get #43 from Carlisle.

  6. Howie R says:

    Per the Mets website, Reed was given #43. I agree with Chris, my bet is EY gets #1

  7. Matt B says:

    EYJ is in #1 per Mets…….

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