Mookie Dilson?

Hi, I’ve come back from the dead to speculate on the surprise promotion of young second-sacker prospect Dilson Hererra, who evidently is on the way to Citifield Friday to sub for the injured Daniel Murphy and hopefully make this punchless and too-often fun-less team worth watching again.

1I stuck with them this year, I really did, but there’s been little to update you with on the number front. Herrera’s promotion in fact will be the first new addition of a new player to the big-league squad in 70 games (since Taylor Teagarden on June 10, according to figures from my friend Greg).

Herrera, whom we received only a year ago in the Marlon Byrd Trade (or was it John Buck? Both at once? It’s been so long) was among the youngest players in Class AA this season, so a shot at second base in the bigs is quite the opportunity. One would think, with money tight, a successful trial could make Daniel Murphy even more of a longshot to return in 2015. He’s owed an arbitration bump at minimum this offseason but stands to reason he’d take a multiyear deal now if the Mets would only offer.

They probably won’t. That’s baseball.

As astutely pointed out in the below post’s comments, Hererra could inherit either No. 1 (most recently belonging to Chris Young) or 2 (Justin Turner in 2013) upon his arrival.

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  1. 9th string catcher says:

    Welcome back!

  2. caproate says:

    Looks like he was wearing 20 at Bingo but that’s not available.

  3. Howie R says:

    19 is also available. Zack Lutz is now in Japan.

  4. Gene F. says:

    It’s 2, sez Rubin.

  5. Chris says:

    5’10”, 150… Jason Tyner could beat him up.

  6. Tswid says:

    Josh Satin and Erik Goeddel recalled today. I suppose Satin gets #13 which had last year and earlier this year. As for Goeddel, I will guess # 34.

  7. Chris says:

    Have the Mets had previous lineups where 2 through 6 were present?

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