To Be Young Again

I consider myself fortunate to have missed most of the goings-on last night due to another engagement but have no excuse but my own laziness with respect to not keeping the roster updated.

55Chris Schwinden: The book is closed on the first No. 63 in team history. He was claimed by the Blue Jays the last time the Mets tried designating him. Manny Acosta and Rob Johnson in the meantime cleared waivers and will try to get their stuff together in Buffalo.

Johnson’s departure meant that Josh Thole was back, it’s a miracle the Mets made even a little progress without him. Boy do we have some awful bats out there.

Josh Satin was recalled from Buffalo and again wearing No. 3 as Mike Baxter hit the disabled list as a result of his heroics in the Santana game.

DJ Carrasco: DFA’ed some time ago, cleared waivers, and now officially dumped by the organization. Another guy guy to debut a number (77) with horrid results.

Also returning to the team was gigantic soft-tosser Chris Young, again wearing No. 55. He gives me a little more confidence at the back end of the rotation that Miguel Batista, who also reappeared this week when Ramon Ramirez hit the disabled list with a hamstring injury suffered while rushing to the mound in celebration of Santana’s no-hitter. This was a small price to pay given that Ramirez didn’t look to me like he was in great shape to begin with.

Jack Egbert, destined to be one of the most obscure Mets ever I can already assure you, was sent down when Young arrived. Egbert was so nondecript I forgot even to create a record for him here but that’s done now.

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One comment

  1. Jon Springer says:

    Submitted by Msrc from Brooklyn (not verified) on Wed, 06/06/2012 – 5:28pm.
    Today, the Mets activated Jason Bay (44) from the 15-day disabled list, reinstated Pedro Beato (27) from the 60-day disabled list. placed Chris Young on paternity leave, and designated Josh Satin for assignment, necessary to make room for Beato on the 40-man roster. (Gotta love the PA writer’s use of different verbs for Bay and Beato.…) Another roster move will be needed when Young’s leave ends in a few days. I suppose we can expect Hefner to head back to Buffalo after tonight’s start unless they decide to give Jon Rauch’s elbow a couple of weeks off. Congrats to Young his wife, Liz, on the birth on the couple’s third child, a son, Grant Christopher, this morning.

    Submitted by EdgyDC on Thu, 06/07/2012 – 4:14pm.
    Good point about Egbert. Some Mets are so wonderfully obscure, they’ve ironically developed a degree of fame, like Brett Hinchliffe. Others are obscure in themselves, but they’re remembered as part of a series, like 1962 Mets, or Vagabond Catchers from 1998 We Were Throwing Out There Before Piazza Arrived, or Failed Torre-Era Back-End Starters.

    Egbert doesn’t fit into such a category. Least not yet. He’s sailed past Todd Haneyville as an anomolous blip on the radar. You gotta go back, Jack, and do it again.

    Submitted by gored82 on Fri, 06/08/2012 – 2:40am.
    I was at the game the day before Piazza arrived, 5/22/98. Anyone remember Alberto Castillo? Here’s my entry from

    I recall sitting at Shea in the eighth inning when the Mets made a pitching change. I know players’ uni numbers, so I thought it strange when I saw “45 P” on the scoreboard. I had no idea who that was until John Franco was announced, and I realized that he already had switched from 31 to 45 in deference to newly acquired Mike Piazza. Needless to say, this was the beginning of the end of Alberto Castillo’s Mets career!

    Submitted by max (not verified) on Fri, 06/08/2012 – 1:25pm.
    Poor Chris’ self esteem must be feeling like a ping pong ball. The Jays DFAed him after 3 days and he was claimed by the Indians. I guess being claimed twice in a week off waivers means someone wants you, right?

    Submitted by Ranjrz5 on Fri, 07/06/2012 – 8:39am.
    Schwinden has been re-claimed by the Mets from the Yankees.

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