The Thole Grail

30With many of the likely candidates already forced up to the big league level (and the playoff roster set!)  the Mets are expected to make few recalls now that the calendar turns to September and active rosters expand to 40.

One exception is Class AA catcher Josh Thole, who has been recalled from Binghamton and is expected to be in uniform No. 30 for the Mets’ game Tuesday in Denver. A lefthanded hitter with a nice swing but minimal power, Thole might already be an upgrade over Brian Schneider, whose Met career is grinding to a dreadful finish. Thole will be the first Met No. 30 since another catcher, Raul Casanova, early last season.

Thole will become the 52nd Met of the year, as 2009 approaches the team record of 54 players set in 1967.

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One comment

  1. Jon Springer says:


    Submitted by Tom from Mets on Deck (not verified) on Fri, 09/04/2009 – 5:17am.
    Wow, we are surprised more players have not worn #30. The first that came to mind was Nolan Ryan, as Gary Thorne mentioned yesterday on the broadcast. Good to see Thole start off with a hit and a stolen base in his first game. We wrote a piece about Josh Thole at Mets on Deck as well.

    Your site is fantastic, thanks.

    Tom from

    gary thorne?

    Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/07/2009 – 6:01pm.
    who is gary thorne


    Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/07/2009 – 10:59pm.
    Gary Thorne was a former Mets announcer, both on radio and tv. He’s now working for the Orioles.

    Tom probably just meant Gary Cohen but typed Thorne by mistake.

    Mel’s Diner

    Submitted by Jon Springer on Tue, 09/08/2009 – 6:05am.
    30 was rarely issued in part because Mel Stottlemeyer sat on it as a pitching coach for 11 years. I kind of think of it as a reserve-goaltender number, perfect for guys like Alberto Castillo.

    Tobi Stoner

    Submitted by Gordon Handler (not verified) on Tue, 09/08/2009 – 5:47pm.
    Called up from Buffalo and wearing #29. I’m sure we’ll be seeing STONER jerseys popping up all around the stadium.

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