
56Thanks for the readers who pointed out Jon Switzer‘s debut in No. 56 last night. I was lucky enough to be out celebrating my anniversary with my wife and missed his debut — but we were unfortunate enough to arrive home in time to catch the 9th inning on TV.

I have no explanation for all the horrendous plays we’ve seen this year but it’s obvious there’s been way too many of them, and I won’t suggest Luis Castillo needs your forgiveness right now. But rather than lead an ugly campaign to make someone pay, I’m gonna suggest instead you get outdoors, have dinner with your family, take a few days off. That’s what I’m gonna do.

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One comment

  1. Jon Springer says:

    Submitted by Gene F. on Fri, 06/19/2009 – 3:08pm.
    OK, Nick Evans is coming back up. When he left he was wearing number 6, but that was given to Ramon Martinez, who is on the DL. So, does will this motley crue give Nicky Sixx, or when he asks for his old number will Charlie Samuels tell him Don’t Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)


    Submitted by Ranjrz5 on Wed, 06/24/2009 – 5:48pm.
    Switzer has been DFA’d… Argenis Reyes has been purchased from Buffalo
    Gameday lists Reyes as #11.

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