Play That Funky Music

The Mets followed up on their acquisitions of Frankie Rodriguez and JJ Putz by selecting another pair of relievers, Darren O’Day and Rocky Cherry, in the Rule 5 Draft Thursday. And tonight came word that they’d sent beaten-up lefty Scott Schoeneweis to Arizona for another longshot relief prospect, Connor Robertson.

O’Day is a 26-year-old right-handed sidearmer out of the Angels organization, an undrafted free agent, who gets by on his whacky delivery. Like Steven Register last year, and Mitch Wylie the year before, Omar if nothing else seems to recognize there are fringe arms out there with the potential to be contributors in a bullpen, and if he weren’t out there handing out three-and four-year contracts to every veteran in sight, one of these guys might one day stick with the Mets. For selfish purposes lets hope it’s (Wild) Cherry, who’s had limited big-league success with the Cubs and Orioles, and several injury problems, but throws hard and has a big-league name that will make him hard to hate.

Schoeneweis, swapped along with a portion of his salary to the Diamondbacks today for Robertson, had a poor 2007 but seems to have been sacrificed mainly to fulfill Jeff Wilpon’s promise of “addition of subtraction” for bloodthirsty fans. No, I’m not arguing Schoeneweis was necessarily worth keeping, or even that Robertson — another longshot bullpenner with limited big-league success but good minor league strikeout figures — doesn’t belong; just that, I’d be very surprised if we don’t go out and get another lefthander anyway.

The Show was the first and only player to wear No. 60 in team history. O’Day wore No. 53 last season. If this is becoming the new digit for sidearmers (Chad Bradford requests it wherever he goes), Jerry Manuel may want a change.Robertson wore 41 last year. Whoops.

Soon the Mets will have acquired all wearers of the No. 57 jersey. Cherry wore 57 with the O’s last year.

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One comment

  1. Jon Springer says:

    Submitted by larry (not verified) on Thu, 12/18/2008 – 2:14pm.
    El Putzo appeared today in #40.
    Is a Hojo uni deal in the works?

    delete edit reply report to Mollom
    Just read where he is

    Submitted by Jon Springer on Thu, 12/18/2008 – 3:00pm.
    Just read where he is considering asking Hojo for No. 20. I would be very surprised if when the season begins he’s not in it

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