Going Shopping

I have no idea what will happen this offseason but I’ll tell you this. I’m sitting here hoping the Mets just don’t throw the most money at the guy with the most saves, which is what they did the last time and look where it got them: Feeling pressure to throw the most money at the guy with the most saves, and still on the hook for $10 million, and still looking for a championship. You’re just asking for it.

So I’m thinking, if you’re going to go after a guy with closing experience, it may as well be Brian Fuentes, who lacks the Sex Appeal of K-Rod but just might get it done cheaper and wouldn’t be such a name brand diva that you couldn’t slide him into a set-up role if things go bad. And you know they might. Meantime while it’d be nice if they brought in a few good arms as well I hope what they’re really learning is that when building a bullpen, like building a bench, begins with turning the earth and fresh seeds every year.

Besides we already have a No. 57.


For the rotation they should just go sign Oliver Perez again.


I wish I had a better handle on how they’re going to help the offense but without knowing what they might expect from Church and Castillo, not to mention Daniel Murphy, next year, my guess is as good as yours. I’d be awfully tempted though to see if I couldn’t solve a few problems at onceby dangling Delgado in a trade.Yeah, and I’d look into getting a better hitter behind the dish and not Castro, whose been unable to answer the bell at crucial times far too often.

My apologies for the infrequent updates: I briefly lost use of the home computer and haven’t had a lot to report on. You may have seeen the Mets hired Luis Alicea to be their new first-base coach. He coached the Red Sox wearing No. 16 last year but I’d expect to see him — along withRazor Shines — take numbers in the low 50s.

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One comment

  1. Jon Springer says:

    Submitted by Chris (not verified) on Tue, 11/18/2008 – 8:16am.
    It would be a smart baseball move to sign Joe Biemel as well… that could make a less expensive lefty like Feliciano expendable for a potential trade package.
    Also, it would mark the first Met to wear #97.

    delete edit reply report to Mollom
    I kinda get the feeling they

    Submitted by Jon Springer on Tue, 11/18/2008 – 11:40am.
    I kinda get the feeling they like Beimel too — not that I understand how he gets it done: He doesn’t whiff nearly enough and walks too many though he does keep it in the park. I’d see him as an upgrade for Schoeneweis, filling that lefty-who-also-retires-righties thing.

    And yeah, 97. Dodger fans love the guy.

    delete edit reply report to Mollom
    “a few good arms” And who do

    Submitted by Zara clothing (not verified) on Thu, 11/20/2008 – 2:22am.
    “a few good arms” And who do you think they should be? $10million can buy a few instead of just one 🙂

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