This team has me so on edge I’m finding it hard just to record coherent thoughts about it but wanted to toast the addition of Bobby Parnell to the sacred scrolls: last week he became the 848th Met of all-time, the 50th player of 2008 and the second No. 39 this year: Claudio Vargas wore No. 39 earlier this year.
It also appears that Parnell will be the last of the 2008 Mets: Word came this evening that the Mets had let Gustavo Molina — the first of four No. 6s and the last of four 29s this season — to get a head start on winter ball, prompting the question of there being any politer spin of “Clean out your locker, Meat.” They also released erstwhile would-be closer Al Reyes before Reyes ever received a ball in a Met game, begging the unfathomable: Just how bad does a guy have to be to not get a job in the Mets’ bullpen? Don’t answer. Let’s go Mets!
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On unrelated notes, I want to pass along a link to Kevin’s cool NumerOlogy site and his exclusive interview with obscure lefthander John O’Donoghue. In a it’s-a-small-world-after-all coincidence, I’d interviewed O’Donoghue myself 15+ years ago when I was a cub reporter at a newspaper in his hometown.
Speaking of odd connections, Greg over at Faith & Fear is among those whose recent example finally convinced me to try the whole social networking thing: You’re welcome to visit my new Facebook page and see if anything comes of it.
[…] in September on 2008 but never appeared in a game before being released later that month. Reyes, as we noted then, was assigned 36 but somehow was unable to even get a turn as a reliever on that squad. I have tried […]