Your Move, Creep

Adam Rubin of the Daily News today writes that 23-year-old infielder Dan Murphy is en route to Houston in time for tonight’s game. Although Rubin hasn’t said who Murphy will replace, we can hope, I mean, speculate, that it’s gimpy struggling Marlon Anderson, who’s just having a terrible season and like Murphy (reportedly), bats left and plays poorly in several positions.

Murphy is one of the “Big 5” youngsters mentioned by Omar Minaya in press comments this week explaining why the Mets chose not to particpate in what was probably the most spectacular trade deadline season in recent memory, despite contending for a division title with obvious holes in the outfield and the bench, and serious questions surrounding the rotation and bullpen.

Just speculating here but with Murphy a potential solution to left-handed bench strength, the other four may fill holes in the outfield (Fernando Martinez), bullpen (Bingo closer Eddie Kunz) and rotation (Jon Niese, who’s also being condsidered for Aug. 11 start, Rubin says; and Bobby Parnell, who might also help in the bullpen). That solution may call for a lot of speculation and wishful thinking, but it’s more help than we got at the deadline so let’s see. In a matter of taste, sure beats hoping that Jeff Conine will help.

We’ll update you on Murphy’s number when we get it and in the meantime direct your attention to the new poll on the left column, reviving the discussion we had earlier this season on what number Fernando Martinez (I prefer “Fartinez” to “F-Mart,” don’t you?) alights in if/when he gets the call.

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One comment

  1. Jon Springer says:

    Submitted by Ranjrz5 on Sat, 08/02/2008 – 11:20am.
    Early prediction: Murphy in #22.

    delete edit reply report to Mollom
    He was wearing 8 at Bingo.

    Submitted by Gene F. (not verified) on Sat, 08/02/2008 – 1:02pm.
    He was wearing 8 at Bingo. you don’t suppose….

    Actually, 22’s a good guess. Do you think they’ll mothball 12 for the rest of the season?

    delete edit reply report to Mollom
    Listed as 22 on Gameday at

    Submitted by JMP (not verified) on Sat, 08/02/2008 – 5:22pm.
    Listed as 22 on Gameday at

    delete edit reply report to Mollom
    On Mets Pre Game they showed

    Submitted by Ty Boogs (not verified) on Sat, 08/02/2008 – 5:53pm.
    On Mets Pre Game they showed him and he is wearing 28

    delete edit reply report to Mollom
    I too saw him in 28 on the

    Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 08/02/2008 – 5:54pm.
    I too saw him in 28 on the pre-game…

    delete edit reply report to Mollom
    I too saw him in 28 on the

    Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 08/02/2008 – 5:54pm.
    I too saw him in 28 on the pre-game…

    delete edit reply report to Mollom
    He must like the number 8

    Submitted by kd86mets on Sat, 08/02/2008 – 6:29pm.
    He must like the number 8

    delete edit reply report to Mollom
    …and Eddie Kunz called up

    Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 08/03/2008 – 12:27pm.
    …and Eddie Kunz called up today, he’ll be wearing Lasting’s #44…

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