Tag Archive for Mike DeJean

Half A Joe

Adam Rubin at the Daily News this morning hints that ‘Bazooka’ Joe Smith “in a couple of days” will share something in common with Mike DeJean, Jose Offerman and David Weathers. That answers our question below about what number we’ll likely see the rookie in when he sheds the No. 70 he’d been wearing in camp and comes North with the big club.

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DeIceman Coming; DeJean Going

Still smarting form an embarrassing whupping out West, the puzzling Mets announced a series of roster moves Monday. As brittle second baseman Kaz Matsui 25 hit the disabled list for the 15th time, the Mets promoted Gerald Williams, the elderly outfielder from Norfolk. And while oddball lefty Dae Sung Koo 17 was recalled from the disabled list, Mike DeJean 35 was DeSignated For Assignment, ultimately failing to make a Met career any more distinguished than that of the man he was acquired for, Karim Garcia. Williams, by the way, toiled for the Mets last season wearing Nos. 6 and 21. So much for The New Mets…

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One Pitcher Leiter

So long and good luck to Al Leiter 22 and all his grunts, broken bats and full counts. It may have been time to part ways but we’ll remember Al as the pitching soul of brief but fun few years in Met history and realize that even as his skills declined, he still gave his team a chance to win most nights. The Mets also failed to offer arbitration or a new contract to streaky rightfielder Richard Hidalgo 15 and reliever Ricky Bottalico 20, leaving Omar Minaya with the frightening mandate to make a flurry of deals this weekend at the Winter Meetings. They did reach agreement with Mike DeJean 35, who pitched pretty well in New York at least until a broken leg sidelined him.

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Piazza Back; DeJean DeSabled

The Mets got some of their missing offense back today when Mike Piazza returned from the disabled list. To make room for him the Mets designated recent pickup Brian Buchanan 10 for assignment. In the meantime the Mets placed reliever Mike DeJean 35 on the disabled list and recalled Heath Bell 19.

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