Tag Archive for John Maine

Updates (Frisella in 29)

Many thanks to Bob F for the scorecard scan (pictured at right) confirming Dan Frisella wearing No. 29 during his brief stay with the 1969 Mets. A few minor errors have in the meantime been corrected on the roster page: Sherman “Roadblock” Jones’ one appearance inNo. 28; Kevin Michell’s few weeks as No. 35, to name a few — thanks as always, Jason.

Xavier Nady 22 returned from the disabled list on June 18, and Cliff Floyd 30 went onto it, retroactive until June 7 with an ankle sprain. Floyd returned on June 30 as Lastings Milledge 44 returned to Norfolk. These moves came in the midst of a calamitous roadtrip that proved to chew up and ultimately spit out chubby Met hurlers Alay Soler 59 and Heath Bell 19. Soler was replaced July 3 by John Maine 33 — the next day, Bell was cashiered to Norfolk in exchange for designated clown Jose Lima 17. Seeing asPedro Martinez 45 is most likely vacationing through the All-Star Break it’s likely this week’s stretch of games leading to the break could feature Lima… or perhaps, studly young draftee Mike Pelfrey.

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Hospital Update

Well, John Maine didn’t last long as a Met, hitting the disabled list just days after his May 1 debut. His spot was grabbed by Bartolome Fortunato, back in No. 43 for the first time since 2004. Things got hairier on Saturday, when sadsack starter Victor Zambrano 38 walked off the field and into a season- and possibly, Met-career-ending elbow injury. Maine’s start, and Zambrano’s space on the roster, was covered, barely adequately, by clownish righthander Jose Lima, and with Bannister and Maine still missing, more changes are certain to come. Lima by the way became the 29th guy to wear No. 17 for the Mets — only No. 6 has been issued more often. (34 has also been worn by 29 guys)

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Maine & Bannister

John Maine will make a start today for the Mets, taking Brian Bannister’s spot in the rotation. You may recall maine made a to-do in spring training about favoring No. 33, and that’s what he’ll be wearing tonight. Victor Diaz 20 was sent back down to Norfolk to make room for him.

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Lima Standard Time

17Veteran longshot pitcher Jose Lima arrived at Met camp boasting that he never wears the same suit twice. Apparently he’s applying the same rules of fashion to his Met jerseys.

Lima on Saturday suited up No. 17, his third different Met jersey this spring. Lima, you will recall, was issued No. 99 and then spent an afternoon in 42 before the Mets thought better of reissuing the mothballed Jackie Robinson uni and gave him 99 back. In the meantime the Mets sold Dae Sung Koo back to Korea, freeing up 17, in which Lima appeared most recently. For a guy the Mets are likely to bid “auf wiedersehen” to in a matter of weeks, he’s kept things interesting on the runway. (Thanks to MBTN reader Jason for the tip).

Jason also reports that coach Jerry Manuel appeared in No. 35, solving the mysery of what number he fled to after Chad Bradford claimed his 53 (below). What number remains for World Baseball Classic-exiled reliever Jose Santiago is still unknown (as is the question of whether he’s actually coming back after the tournament is complete). Santiago earlier this spring lost his assigned number 33 to teammate John Maine.

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Sanchez, Acta & Santiago

Providing speedy responses to the inquiry posted here yesterday, Duaner Sanchez is indeed wearing No. 50 (thanks Matt andKieran). Keiran in the meantime spied coach Manny Acta wearing No. 3, settling the issue of what number he wound up with after Sanchez swiped his former digits. The mystery ofJose Santiago’s jersey remains. As pointed out by MBTN reader Brian, his No. 33 was re-issued this spring to prospect John Maine, and published rosters have either not been accurately updated or, in a likely foreshadowing the opening-day roster, leave him off completely.

Let us know what you find.

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Maine Attraction

33Of all the beat guys, nobody’s spring training dispatches get us in the mood quite like Marty Noble, who must know some readers, like us, are hopeless suckers for the insignificant detail. In today’s report at mlb.com, Noble informs us that newly arrived pitcher John Maine has a thing for No. 33, which he found dangling from a hanger in the clubhouse, rather than the 57 he wore at the Caravan a few weeks back. We like Maine, too, who says of his new digits: “It’s great. I guess it’s a good sign. And it’s a pitcher’s number; that’s the best part.”

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