Tag Archive for Dave Racaniello

Welcome to 2015

54This just in: An updated Mets roster now lists newly acquired reliever Alex Torres in 54 and coach Dave Racaniello in 53: This is consistent with Torres’ digits in previous stops in Tampa and San Diego. Also new to the coaching ranks is assistant hitting coach Pat Roessler, wearing the popular No. 6, the roster shows (Thanks Jason for the heads-up). Roessler was wearing 60 until Matt den Dekker’s departure, and would be the first coach to wear the uni. I disapprove of this.

We’re adding them to the sacred scrolls of the all-time Mets numerical roster today as the club takes on the Nationals to begin 2015. Joining Torres for the first time are Jerry Blevins (13); Sean Gilmartin  (36); Micheal Cuddyer (23) and John Mayberry (44); new coaches Roessler (6) and Kevin Long (57); and in new numbers, Travis d’Arnaud (7); Buddy Carlyle (43); coaches Bob Geren (15) and Racaniello (53).

Before we get started: It doesn’t mean anything, and a peek at the archives would reveal I’ve been ready to go to war with less A LOT, but I should just come out and confess I’ve been a Mets fan for something like 40 years and can’t remember a better Spring Training. Let’s Go Mets!

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Mets Throw Changeup

9In 13 years of chronicling Mets uni numbers I’ve been wrong lots of times but rarely when accompanied by the confidence with which I predicted Kirk Nieuwenhuis would show up in No. 22 I made below. It just seemed like a logical intersection of his minor league digits and current availability. Anyway, if you happen come across an inkling of the significance of No. 9, if there is any, please let me know. I should say by the way I have very little against 9 and think it looks great on an outfielder. The Mets in general look great without the black, don’t they? I don’t mean to get all Howie Rose on you.

In the meantime, I’ve been informed by mbtn reader Jason that bullpen catcher Dave Racianello is back wearing 54, which he’s had for years now. Not sure what that 79 thing was all about.

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Flying Coach

As we’d been expecting to see, hitting coach Howard Johnson has cashiered No. 52 and returned to the No. 20 jersey he last wore as a Met player 15 years ago. Bullpen coach Guy Conti in the meantime switches from 56 to 52, allowing bullpen pitcher Juan Lopez to take 56. We hadn’t nailed down Lopez previously.

Bullpen catcher Dave Racaniello in the meantime was spotted wearing54, as noted below, and catching instructor Sandy Alomar Jr. has slipped into No. 90. These changes have been added to the handyclip-n-save Spring Training Roster above. Many thanks to Bryan, David, Chris and other commenters for the updates.

Big thanks also to MetsGrrl for pointing out how difficult it was to get in touch — turns out I’d mistakenly “turned off” the contact link. Duh.

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